You want to be at your best when it counts the most.
Every competition season has a highlight. It can be High school championships, Nationals, an international race up to World Championships, or Olympic Games, which are just around the corner.
I personally find it said, only looking at those “highlights.” On the other hand, it is good to have something special every season. But even when some races count more than others, in the end, it is the same thing we are doing in any competition. And every race counts at least as a part of the preparation for the big event. We want to know what we need to do when it counts the most. Of course, there is still something unique about the season highlight. It has more fans, more attention, and a specific focus point for us athletes.
Some athletes seem to need this extra kick and perform even better with some extra pressure, creating more energy, and can pull off their personal best. I find it fascinating when an athlete is able to perform at another level when it counts the most.
I mostly didn´t mind this extra pressure. Sometimes I even needed it. I want to encourage you to also fall in love with expectations. And the best way to do so is to be ready and prepared for the highlight of the season.
This highlight competition, race series, or final games do not just suddenly appear.
- They are on the calendar for at least a year when not even longer.
- You most likely need to qualify or at least be named to get there.
- And then you want to be physically and mentally prepared.
Being prepared physically is the best preparation for the mental aspect of sports. You can and should be excited to compete. When you have reasons to doubt the chances of reaching your athletic goal, it will be harder to mentally get in a good place. That´s why your level of skills is part of your mental condition.
Because of this reason, the whole training season matters more than the month before the big race is coming up. This last month you want to finetune and get in shape to feel and be strong, but you only can work or build upon the skill level you have already at that point.
In short: the actual preparation happens in training season. For Winter athletes, this is Spring, Summer, and Fall, and for Summer athletes, it is Fall, Winter, and Spring.
When it comes to the Olympics, you even start thinking in a four-year cycle. Luckily there are many other races, games, or events besides the Olympics or your great destination. Those competitions are very important preparation sessions. You not only grow with your sport, but you will also experience what kind of training works for you just before a competition and what doesn´t. In my blog post Keep Your Chances Alive, I talked about a situation where I had to work on my finetuning based on earlier experience.
Everything we do counts for our big event. Training and racing sessions in our early years as well as the training right before the competition. So don´t wait until two weeks before the highlight of the season to get prepared. Right now, you can do the thing, which will bring you closer to your goal.
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